Are You Living an Authentic Life of Freedom?

There are four answers to the question above: yes, no, I don't know, and what's an authentic life of freedom?  Not surprisingly, the most common answer is the last one: what's an authentic life of freedom?

 So, let's begin by defining what an authentic life of freedom is.

Authentic Life of Freedom Defined

An authentic life of freedom is a life you create, of your choosing and on your terms, so you may:

Be, do, have, and give more
Have the options and choices to make the world a better place, howsoever you define the world you seek to impact
Create rich experiences for those you care about so they may see the possibilities that await them in their individual authentic lives of freedom
Answer the three great questions of life in the affirmative each and every day instead of waiting until your last days to ask if you did..  Those three questions being: 1. Am I living wisely?  2. Am I loving well? 3. Am I serving greatly
Live your beliefs, values, passions, purpose, and vision without obligation to, reliance upon, or fear of the institutions of society.

While the first four attributes are true, essential, and somewhat intuitive, it is the last attribute that defines what "authentic" means in the context of this article.

What Are "Institutions of Society"?

An "institution of society" is an entity that, with purpose and intent, seeks to influence what you believe and value, how you think and act,  and limits what you can be do, and have.  And all of this is generally for purposes of gaining control of and over you in one or multiple ways so as to use you to accomplish or fulfill the agenda of the entity (institution). 

There are many institutions of society, some of which you may not recognize as such.  Here's a short list (you can extrapolate to others):

Media: social, news, entertainment, sports, ...
Religious organizations
Educational institutions
Political parties
Civic groups
Peer groups ...

And the list goes on and on.  Basically, you must look around you and become aware of those entities seeking to influence you.   In most cases, these will be institutions of society.

The judgement as to those institutions that are not aligned with your beliefs, values, passion, purpose, and vision is up to you.  If you weren't aware of the idea of institutions of society, you are now!

So, now we go back to the discussion of your authentic life of freedom.

Why is an Authentic Life of Freedom Important?

There is a very simple and functional reason to create and live an authentic life of freedom: you are free to think and act independently of the influences not in your best interest or the best interest of humanity.

This may sound like some sort of an etherial dream, but it really isn't.  When enough people on this planet have created an authentic life of freedom so they can think and act independent of the institutions of society not in favor of what moves humanity forward, then those institutions lose influence and either change or disappear.

Yes, it sounds like a lofty objective because it is.  It's not the kind of thing that is going to happen in one generation.  But an authentic life of freedom is what we were created and born to live.

Dana Scranton
Dana Scranton

I help you step into your natural state of entrepreneurship so you may create an authentic life of your choosing, on your terms. Why? So you may have options and choices to make the world a better place, create rich experiences for those you care about, and live according to your values, beliefs, passion, purpose, and vision.

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