psychology of decisionsRelationship Relevant Marketing and Digital Psychology of Decisions

Digital psychology of decisions is an important topic to understand for one simple reason: your customers, clients, and/or prospects are making decisions each and every minute as to whether you will be allowed to stay in their world.

This topic is part of the larger subject of Relationship Relevant Marketing (RRM).  The core principle of RRM is to be relevant.  There is a lot more to being relevant than you might think, and so this is the reason for going into depth on this topic.

There are some critical influential variables that play to the subconscious programming of your target market.  These variables are important because many decisions in the digital world are made rapidly (within just a few seconds), and are based almost entirely on subconscious programming.

Another critical consideration is consistency.  You’ve got to stay in front of your customer, get them to make a series of micro-decisions, and train them to look forward to your content and experiences.  If you can’t get your share of their attention budget, someone else will!

In the digital world, relationships are made very quickly.  These relationships, however, are not all that strong.  They are at best functional: but functional is a good place to start.  From a functional relationship, we can build loyalty and dedication.

The psychology of decisions is to a large extent universal, whether online or offline.  It is nevertheless important to realize, however, that in the digital world the psychology of decisions is more important than in the organic world.  The reasons should be obvious, but there is a major difference between looking someone in the eye face-to-face and interacting with them over a digital display.

What the Digital Psychology of Decisions Teaches Us

If there is one lesson you can take away from this discussion of digital psychology of decisions, it’s that we are human regardless of the means of communication we elect to use.  In other words, the human mind, despite being influenced by the digital world, is still a human mind.

As an entrepreneur, your objective is to impact the lives of people on this planet in a positive manner.  To do that you have to get them to make a decision to engage with you in some form.  And so it is that the digital psychology of decisions is important.

Dana Scranton
Dana Scranton

I help you step into your natural state of entrepreneurship so you may create an authentic life of your choosing, on your terms. Why? So you may have options and choices to make the world a better place, create rich experiences for those you care about, and live according to your values, beliefs, passion, purpose, and vision.

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