Are You Living an Authentic Life of Freedom?
There are four answers to the question above: yes, no, I don't know, and what's an authentic life of freedom? Not surprisingly, the
A Treatise on Living Your Freedoms
This is an introduction to a 13-part series on living your authentic freedoms. The purpose is to expand your concept of what individual freedom is,
The freedom to create ones own life, flexibility in work environments, ownership and rewards of success and failure, and the development of meaningful connections contribute to a lifestyle that is rich in purpose and passion.
Therein is where the opportunity to change the world resides. When you change your world for the better, it changes the lives of others for the better, which changes their world.
Conformity leads to mediocrity. Your purpose, vision, and identity are not mediocre: they are powerfully unique and exceptional. Understand and believe this, for it is this belief by which the world has and will be moved forward.