Is Your "Mindset" Like a Heap of Shoes?

Somewhere in your journey through life you likely will or have come across the term "mindset."  This term and the idea behind it has a kind of intuitive acceptance, but what exactly is mindset?

There seem to be many "mindsets": money mindset, health mindset, success mind set, growth mindset, fixed mindset, and on and on.  It's kind of like shoes: dress shoes, running shoes, dancing shoes, hiking shoes, gym shoes, beach shoes, no shoes,...  Which one do you put on today?  And when circumstances change, do you have a mindset in the closet somewhere for that new challenge?

After a while "mindset"  can become about as useful as a heap of shoes: you have to dig through the pile to find something that might work for you today.  That isn't the mindset you were hoping for, was it?

No, mindset is not like a pair of shoes, but how it is taught, applied, and practiced sometimes seems like it, right?  Frankly, the definition of mindset is all too ofter ambiguous.

Most of what is being addressed when the term "mindset" is used is really attitude:  attitude toward money, health, relationships, success, and learning, to name but a few.  So, is attitude really mindset or is it a part of mindset?  The answer to that question comes down to how one defines "mindset."  Look for the next article for the definition of "mindset."  It might just shed a new light on what you believe mindset to be.

Those who teach mindset are sincere in their intentions and desires for you to succeed at whatever you desire.  And there is value in what is taught by most people in the personal development and success fields.  It's just that some  "mindset" programs are more about attitude than what mindset really is.  Such programs get you down the road a little ways, but may not sustain you through the entire journey of life.

Mindset is too important to leave to ambiguity.  This is why I have defined mindset in a very specific manner, and in a way that leads you to Your Code of Life and Living.

When you learn what "mindset" really is, you'll be on your way to a journey of possibilities to create an authentic life of freedom of your choosing and on your terms.

Dana Scranton
Dana Scranton

I help you step into your natural state of entrepreneurship so you may create an authentic life of your choosing, on your terms. Why? So you may have options and choices to make the world a better place, create rich experiences for those you care about, and live according to your values, beliefs, passion, purpose, and vision.

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