
The Relationship Between Thought and Mindset

Thoughts are things.  What you focus on becomes real, and focus is about sustained thought.  In Wallace D. Wattles' epic book, "The Science of Getting Rich," he recites the core principle of the nature and power of thought:

"There is a thinking stuff from which all things are made, and which, in its original state, permeates, penetrates, and fills the interspaces of the universe.  

A thought, in this substance, produces the thing that is imaged by the thought.

Man can form things in his thought, and, by impressing his thought upon formless substance, can cause the thing he thinks about to be created."

When you think about it, nothing is created without first being a thought.  Thought, and thinking, is foundational.

For the entrepreneur, thought is the canvas of possibility and the beginning of each journey onto the frontier of tomorrow!

Mindset Is ...

Mindset is your code of life and living, and can be likened to your life operating system.  Mindset gives you clarity, facilitates and adapts to change, and promotes growth in all areas of your life.

An essential element of mindset is, of course, your thoughts, actions, feelings, and emotions.

Your code of life and living is a framework on which you build your life.  Central to that structure of life is how you think and what you think about.

Your thoughts create your life.

Going back to "The Science of Getting Rich," just for reference this book is not a finance book.  It's a book on mindset.  Unless you have read it that assertion may not mean much to you.  Even though it was written in 1910, it is more valid in the transformational 20's of the 21st century than it was at the turn of the 20th century.  

Thought Coupled With Action

For all that is said about the power of thought, without physical action thought is merely pent-up potential energy.  It is action which transforms the potential energy into kinetic energy, and in so doing forms and creates the things of thought.

Action taken in a manner congruent with the objective of your thoughts creates results.  When you are deliberate about your thoughts and actions, the universe will deliver the result you seek: it will deliver the result in ways you cannot know, see, or necessarily predict.  You must heighten your awareness of the events, experiences, thoughts, and feelings which come into your life; for it is often through these subtleties you will realize your thoughts are connecting at a higher level.

Feelings & Emotions Matter

As necessary as action is to mobilize the power of thought, so, too, are feelings and emotions.  This is critical to understand.

Feelings and emotions are a form of energy which synchronize the intensity of thoughts and actions with the vast resources of the Universe (whatever "Universe" means to you).  Thought without feeling and emotion is, like in the absence of action, ineffective.

As feelings and emotions are associated with thought, they produce a resonance with like frequencies.  Why?  Because our thoughts, feelings, and emotions are bio-electrochemical reactions that produce an electromagnetic emission.  Geeky?  Yes, but that is what is going on.

To further amplify the effectiveness of your thoughts and actions, engage in your actions with feeling and emotion.  Are your actions taken in love?   When you care about those who will benefit from your thoughts and actions, emotion and feelings will flow naturally.

This is how the human mind, heart, and soul synchronize with the "formless substance."

Law of Attraction or Just Reality?

The phenomena described above are referred to by some people as "The Law of Attraction."  The reality is, however, we as humans were created with the innate ability to connect to a higher power.  That ability has been suppressed for many over the millennia, yet the ability to connect with that higher power or infinite resource still exists within us.

When gurus and sages write and speak of spiritual connection, they are speaking in part of the synchronization of thought, feeling, emotion, and action with the infinite resources of the Universe such as it is.

Some things are better accepted than over-thought.  Trust and have faith, and leave the rest to the vast infinite resource that is the Universe.

Woo-Woo Stuff or Valuable Resource?

Let's put it this way: to some it is woo-woo stuff; to some it is truth; to others it is woo-woo stuff until it's not.  As an entrepreneur you often have sudden flashes of creativity, insight, intuition, and insight.  Where did that come from?  Thought.  Everything begins with thought: it's what you do with that thought that takes it the rest of the way.

One bit of simple advise: pay attention.  Pay attention to your thoughts, feelings, and emotions.  Pay attention to the experiences and events of your life.  Pay attention to the moments.  

Back to Mindset

Mindset and thought are synergistic and mutually amplifying.  Thought is the foundation on which mindset is constructed.  Mindset is the vehicle by which thought is amplified into growth, and growth gives rise to greater more powerful thought.  And so it goes in a perpetual cycle of life and living.

Dana Scranton
Dana Scranton

I help you step into your natural state of entrepreneurship so you may create an authentic life of your choosing, on your terms. Why? So you may have options and choices to make the world a better place, create rich experiences for those you care about, and live according to your values, beliefs, passion, purpose, and vision.

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