
A Delta Plan for Freedom is Essential!

What is a “delta plan?”  It’s your plan for creating an authentic life of your choosing and on your terms.  Simple as that.  Freedom, options, choices, and fulfillment are but a few of the benefits.

Today, in this third decade of the third millennium, opportunities have never been more plentiful to create and live an authentic life.

It is essential that you take the lead in creating a life of freedom.  The way the world is changing, you cannot rely on the institutions of society to look out for your best interests.  It’s up to you!  the good news is you have all the resources you need to create the life of your choosing.

This is the first in a series of articles on creating your Delta Plan.  Stay tuned and stay connected!

Why Is It Called a “Delta Plan?”

There are two reasons for the use of the term “delta.”  First, delta is the name of the Greek symbol used in mathematics to represent change or difference.  It is the difference between where something is or was and where it is in the future or at the moment.

Greek Letter Delta: Represents Change

The second reason “delta” was chosen is because of the “delta variant” of the COVID-19 virus.  Here we go again!  After 18 months of economic turbulence caused by this pesky virus, now the mutation, “delta variant” appears.  Haven’t we had enough of the institutions of society telling you what you can do, how you have to behave, where you can live or be, who you are to be?  And it just goes on and on!

So, your Delta Plan is simply your plan to take control of your life no matter what is going on in the world and with the institutions of society who seek to demand your conformity to their plan.  Nope.  The only plan you should conform to is yours!

Delta is How You Break the Chain of Conformity

In today’s world, rapidly changing social, economic, political, and ideological trends are creating uncertainty, fear, and doubt; and at the same time, opportunities.

Your delta plan is your roadmap to tapping into the opportunities to create an authentic life whereby you live your beliefs, values, passion, purpose, and vision without obligation to, reliance upon, or fear of the institutions of society.  It is your plan to become the person you were created to be.

The institutions of society are essentially any entity that seeks to control you, make you feel fearful, insecure, uncertain, tell you who you should be, make you feel inferior or not enough, and so on.  Examples are news media, social media, entertainment media, advertising media, sports media, governments, religions, schools, and even those cultures, groups, or friends you with whom you associate!  You get the picture, right?

“Media” are some of the most damaging institutions in the world today.  We are bombarded by thousands of messages each day, and most of them do not serve our greater purpose in life.  And that is precisely why you need your own Delta Plan.

So, it is important for your to be aware of what “institutions” are operating in or influencing your life.  Some are taken for granted, some so subtle you don’t see them, others are just societal norms that no longer or perhaps never did serve your greater purpose and vision.

Your Delta Plan for Freedom is designed around your Code of Life and Living.  Your Code of Life and Living has at its core your purpose and vision.  Your Code becomes the collection of guiding principles that lead you to attain your desires and become the person you are meant to be!

When you become who you are meant to be, you have options and choices to impact the world in your special and unique way: by being you!  You can create rich experiences for those you care about, so they can lead richer lives.  You will know each day you are living a full and rich life – of your choosing and on your terms!

Conformity is a chain holding you back from who you truly are, can, and must be.  The world needs who you are and will become, not who others think or demand you to be.

The information age can obscure our true nature with images and messages of what others want us to believe and/or be.  And that state of being leads to mediocrity and decline.  That isn’t who you were meant to be, nor is it what serves the world best.

Be, Do, Have, and Give More…

The best way to make the world a better place is for each of us to be, do, have, and give more.  And the only way that is going to happen is by the individual stepping onto the frontier of possibilities and mining the rich, infinite resources which allow them to be, do, have, and give more according to their beliefs, values, passions, purpose, and vision!

In the Next Article…

The article which will follow will explain just what an authentic life is, and why it is vitally important for you to create such a life!

Dana Scranton
Dana Scranton

I help you step into your natural state of entrepreneurship so you may create an authentic life of your choosing, on your terms. Why? So you may have options and choices to make the world a better place, create rich experiences for those you care about, and live according to your values, beliefs, passion, purpose, and vision.

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