The Frontier is Where You Belong

What will the third decade of the third millennium bring, and to whom?

The 21st century, an in particular the ’20s, is a frontier of possibilities to those who dream and recognize the powerful trends which are converging.

The world has experienced a transformational event: a severe pandemic. The full measure of the socioeconomic impact of this event is yet to be felt. Amidst it all, there is a renaissance of entrepreneurship rising up on a global scale, and with it the opening of a frontier of possibilities for those who step into their natural state of entrepreneurship.

A Catalytic Convergence and the Frontier of Possibilities

There are at least five trends which have converged during the pandemic event, the outcome of which may well be the catalyst for significant growth in entrepreneurship and overall social and economic impact.

At no time in history have so many had access to such a broad spectrum of possibilities.

Isn’t it interesting how the state of evolution of technology was ready for the world when the pandemic hit? While not perfect in every sense, nonetheless the platforms, applications, and infrastructure of digital technology were able to adapt and scale rapidly to significantly dampen the economic and social impact of the pandemic event.

Then there is the growth of socio-cultural influence, and the awareness of how important this process is to strengthening and preserving the fabric of indigenous cultures, raising the standards of living, increasing access to possibilities, and integrating, melding if you will, into a global state of growth, prosperity, and unity. Could it be that during the pandemic event this socio-cultural phenomenon strengthened in the presence of geographic isolation but pervasive digital connection?

Socio-economic growth on a global basis has been accelerating. When examined at a macroscopic level, it is impressive how pervasive technology has enabled access to possibilities of commerce, development, and social advancement. And while on a microeconomic scale this is not universally true, the convergence as described here has great potential to entrain every economy into a new wave of prosperity.

Another evolving trend is the increased porosity of geo-economic borders. Commerce today moves more freely across borders. In the pandemic event, such porosity might well have been beneficial to a significant degree.

There are far more individuals with dreams, purpose, and vision than there are corporations and institutions of society.

Finally, evolution of business practices and associated operations optimization will accelerate the integration of solo entrepreneurs and third-party providers into business processes. The economic crisis of 2008 resulted in significant acceleration of the so-called gig economy, populated predominantly by solo and small organizational entrepreneurs. Now, the pandemic and post-pandemic periods will likely see continued if not accelerated evolution of this trend. Technology and the necessity of remote workforces, coupled with changing cultural paradigms, have created new perspectives, processes, and possibilities for businesses.

The convergence of the above described five trends have catalyzed a global renaissance of entrepreneurship and opened up a new frontier of possibilities with exciting prospects for all of humanity. This third decade of the third millennium is going to be an exciting time!

The Frontier

The frontier referred to here is the frontier of possibilities; possibilities for the individual to grow and prosper to their fullest extent, and in so doing make the world a better place for them and others.

Those five trends described above open this frontier to the vast majority of people on this planet. At no time in history have so many had access to such a broad spectrum of possibilities. There are far more individuals with dreams, purpose, and vision than there are corporations and institutions of society. The frontier beckons the individual to embrace their innate entrepreneurial state of humanity.

The pandemic event isn’t responsible for creating the frontier; it merely revealed what was already there, hastening the revelation of the power and possibilities available to the solo entrepreneur who steps onto that frontier with purpose, vision, and courage.

Dream, ideological musing, or prelude to reality?

Think what you will, but I’m going with prelude to reality!

Dana Scranton
Dana Scranton

I help you step into your natural state of entrepreneurship so you may create an authentic life of your choosing, on your terms. Why? So you may have options and choices to make the world a better place, create rich experiences for those you care about, and live according to your values, beliefs, passion, purpose, and vision.

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